Tatiana’s story of the Training Course ‘Flower Power’!

Tatiana took part as a German participant in the Training Course ‘Flower Power’ organized by Otra Escuela in Madrid, Spain in May 2024

In a week, filled with playful and creative activities alongside Otra Escuela, we had the opportunity to delve into the topics of power and care, both individual and collective.

Power, often perceived as oppressive and terrifying, can also be a transformative force. Together, we have learned to channel this energy towards creating more equitable and just realities huge thank you to Otra Escuela for providing us this space for resistance and discovery, and to Garaldea Ecofeminista for opening the doors of their home and teaching us to live in a more collective way.

“Power, often perceived as oppressive and terrifying, can also be a transformative force. “

Tatiana - Participant