The project in a few words
The “Act It Out!” project was a training course organized by Hang-Kép Egyesület in Debrecen (Hungary), focused on using the technique of the theatre of the oppressed to work on social inclusion.
The participants had the chance to get to know the methods of the Theatre of the Oppressed (mostly Image Theatre, Forum Theatre and Newspaper Theatre) and explore how to use them in their respective communities to initiate social change and help the inclusion of vulnerable groups of youngsters.
Objectives of the project
During the training course, the project achieved the following goals:
- Increased the capacity of youth work sector to raise participation and involvement of young people in social processes and change;
- Supported the inclusion of marginalized groups in the local communities;
- Stimulated the exchange of best practices in youth work field;
- Increased the quality of the youth organization projects;
- Developed and improve skills in non-formal education in general, and in particular in Theatre of the Oppressed methods for youth workers from Europe;
- Developed a network of Forum Theatre multipliers in various regions of Europe;
- Improved project management, communication, team leading and motivations skills for youth workers;
- Increased the level of active participation of the local communities and different target groups of each partner.
Multimedia Gallery
Hosting Organisation
Hang-Kép Egyesület was founded in 2000 in Debrecen. The organization deals with mass communication, and is particularly interested in conveying messages to society. Young people can learn how to prepare printed and electronic press materials, online media, public speaking, and informational audio and visual materials. In addition, the organization help non-governmental organizations to present their own messages to the public as best as possible, in line with their goals.