The project in a few words
The “Training for Social Inclusion” project was a 10-day Training Course organized by Associazione Joint in Galbiate (Italy) in March 2023, focused on social inclusion in non-formal education projects.
The project aimed at coaching group leaders on methodologies and quality standards to guarantee an effective involvement of young people with fewer opportunities and of highly vulnerable young people in European Youth Exchanges. They were trained on how to offer an effective support during the pre-departure, implementation and follow-up phases of a youth exchange.
Objectives of the project
During the training course, the project achieved the following goals:
- Raised awareness about the topic of social inclusion in youth exchanges,
- Opened the discussion about quality standards in youth exchanges,
- Encouraged intercultural dialogue
- Empowered young people and encourage them to take an active role in society
- Developed cooperation and teamwork skills
- Promoted self-awareness and soft-skills learning
The results
During the project, participants developed different protocols for including fewer opportunities participants, and planned the different youth exchanges that Joint is going to organize this year involving the different partners and youth leaders present.
Hosting Organisation
Joint Association is a Social Promotion Association based in Milan. The association operates in the non-profit sector from more than 12 years and offers to young people international mobility and learning opportunities in non-formal contexts.
Joint Association in specialized in projects related to the non-formal education and the intercultural learning. It addresses to young people between 18 and 30 years old and follows pedagogical paths for high schools students and for the most weak sectors of the society such as disadvantaged young people.