Giving voice to everyone

In November 2021 we sent a group of 6 people, residing in Eastern Germany, to a Youth Exchange organised by Associazione NoBorders from Milan.

The project #RepresentationMatters aimed to guide the participants to reflect and discuss the use of stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination in national and European media.

It focussed on media representation of minorities and marginalized groups and how to respond to this issue in a European context which is increasingly multicultural and transforming day by day.

Looking at Europe, we realized how frequent the media representation of some stereotypes and prejudices about some minorities is. This invalidates the possibilities of the process of creating a European identity truly inclusive and fair.

Objectives of the project

  • Identify and discuss common forms of discrimination, stereotypes and prejudices in the media.
  • Raising awareness of ethnic and gender differences.
  • Develop knowledge on the topic of Hate Speech and a greater understanding of the impact of representations in the media.
  • Promote the development of video-making skills and promote the use of video as a social tool.
  • Create useful material for follow-up activities that promote better representations in the communities the participants are from

Youth Exchange,

Italy, November/December 2021

Project Videos

Hosting Organisation

Associazione No Borders (Italy)
Associazione No Borders (Italy)

No Borders is a voluntary association that arose from the desire of a group of young people to develop their own ideas with a certain degree of autonomy. The young people involved in this reality are all people with various international and project management experiences with the Joint association, which has been active in the Milan area for 13 years. The aim of the association is to give more opportunities to young people with regard to international mobility.